Most drivers in North Carolina know that penalties for drunk driving offenses are more severe for repeat offenders. The idea behind this policy is not just to punish drivers, but also to keep the public safe from potentially dangerous drivers. What many drivers don't...
Traffic Offenses
Should you be worried about speeding tickets?
North Carolina drivers like you know that you can get into serious trouble for certain behaviors on the road. For example, a DUI conviction has the potential to ruin your life. Driving while texting can result in potentially lethal accidents. But what about speeding?...
How many speeding tickets can you get before losing your license?
Points come off your driver’s license every time you receive a speeding conviction. They likewise come off every time you simply pay a fine without going to court. Most people fail to realize that paying a ticket fine, speeding or otherwise, amounts to pleading guilty...
How can you prevent your teen from distracted driving?
Distractions within the vehicle are a major reason for teen traffic tickets. These tickets come with fines, points on a license and even increased insurance rates. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, here are some ways that you can help...
How does a traffic ticket affect an underage driver?
North Carolina has a graduated license, which means that you must go through levels to earn your full license privileges. After your permit, and once you turn 16 years old, you can get your provisional license, but if you have had any speeding ticket, this could delay...
Do DUI convictions impact college students?
North Carolina college students experience many new things at college. Because these real world experiences are brand new, they may not know how to react. Unfortunately, this goes for both the good and the bad. For example, many college students do not know how to...
Can you successfully challenge radar gun evidence?
If you are like most people, you probably think that radar gun evidence represents irrefutable proof of your speeding guilt. After all, how can you dispute “science,” even when you are quite sure that you were not speeding at the time the officer and his or her radar...
Are you eligible for limited driving privileges?
Per § 20-179.3 of North Carolina legislature, “limited driving privilege” refers to a judgment that grants individuals with revoked licenses the legal right to continue driving. Though a judge may use his or her discretion in awarding limited driving privileges, he or...
Understanding the consequences of excessive traffic violations
Traffic laws in North Carolina have been established to help people stay safe, but are of little value if they are broken. If people are found to be in violation of laws such as speed limits, they can be penalized and required to take certain measures to amend their...
What happens if you miss your traffic court date in NC?
When you receive a North Carolina traffic ticket, you may have to appear in court to resolve the matter. According to the North Carolina Judicial Branch, you may have to appear in court for one of three reasons: You failed to dispose of your ticket online, you did not...